When retrying jobs at later steps, we need to ensure that data created in previous steps is still available to later steps on retry.

The persisting option on the with_acidic_workflow method allows you to create a cross-step, cross-retry context. This means that you can set an attribute in step 1, access it in step 2, have step 2 fail, have the job retry, jump directly back to step 2 on retry, and have that object still accessible. This is done by serializing all objects to a field on the AcidicJob::Run and manually persisting getters and setters that sync with the database record.

The default pattern you should follow when defining your perform method is to make any values that your step methods need access to, but are present at the start of the perform method simply instance variables. You only need to mark attributes that will be set during a step via persisting. This means, the initial value will almost always be nil. If you need a default initial value, however, you can always provide that value to persisting.

class RideCreateJob < AcidicJob::Base
  def perform(user_id, ride_params)
    @user = User.find(user_id)
    @params = ride_params

    with_acidic_workflow persisting: { ride: nil } do |workflow|
      workflow.step :create_ride_and_audit_record
      workflow.step :create_stripe_charge
      workflow.step :send_receipt

  def create_ride_and_audit_record
    self.ride = Ride.create!

  def create_stripe_charge
    Stripe::Charge.create(amount: 20_00, customer: @ride.user)

  # ...

Note: This does mean that you are restricted to objects that can be serialized by ActiveJob (for more info, see the Rails Guide on ActiveJob). This means you can persist ActiveRecord models, and any simple Ruby data types, but you can’t persist things like Procs or custom class instances, for example.

Note: You will note the use of self.ride = ... in the code sample above. In order to call the attribute setter method that will sync with the database record, you must use this style. @ride = ... and/or ride = ... will both fail to sync the value with the database record.