Local snapshots
Today we consider how SQLite can enhance working with our database in our Ruby on Rails applications. The the database is simply a file, snapshots and clones are both simple and powerful.
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Array columns
One of the reasons people hesitate to use SQLite in their Ruby on Rails applications, in my opinion, is a fear that they will miss certain features they are accustomed to from PostgeSQL or MySQL. As discussed in an earlier post, we can load SQLite extensions into our Rails applications to enhance the functionality of SQLite. Moreover, today I want to show you that it is possible to build on top of SQLite’s primitives to provide matching behavior for one of my favorite features of Postgres—array columns.
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Optimizing compilation
This is the next in a collection of posts on how to enhance SQLite in order to power up our Ruby on Rails applications. In this post, we dig into how to tune SQLite at compile-time to better support production usage in a web application. This is a close companion to a previous post on optimizing the run-time configuration of a SQLite database.
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Setting up Litestream
This is the next in a collection of posts where I want to highlight ways we can use SQLite as the database engine for our Rails applications without giving up key features or power. In this post, I want to discuss one of the most often discussed disadvantages of SQLite—disaster recovery—and how to address it.
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Loading extensions
Once again we are enhancing our Ruby on Rails applications to power up SQLite. In this post, we dig into how to load extensions into our SQLite database.
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Fine-tuning your database
This is the next in a collection of posts where I want to highlight ways we can enhance our Ruby on Rails applications to take advantage of and empower using SQLite as the database engine for our Rails applications. In this post, we dig into how to tune the SQLite configuration to better support production usage in a web application.
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Branch-specific databases
This is the first in a collection of posts where I want to highlight ways we can enhance our Ruby on Rails applications. Specifically, in this first series, I want to dig into the ways that we can take advantage of and empower using SQLite as the database engine for our Rails applications. In this inaugural post, let’s dig into how using SQLite as our database engine opens up powerful new possibilities for our local development workflow; specifically, allowing us to have and use branch-specific databases.
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Rails Forms and Request Parameters
Sometimes in our Rails applications we need to build forms that represent state stored in URL query parameters that is independent of any persisted object in our backend datastore, like in the case of a search form. In this post I offer a simple, flexible, generic helper for doing just that.
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Basic RESTful Filtering with Rails
Filtering a collection of data objects into a subset is one of the most common tasks in data-management applications. While well-tread, this problem space provides rich opportunity for exploring and learning about how to implement RESTful, maintainable, flexible, and robust Rails applications. In this post I want to implement a simple filtering feature, walking through the various aspects at the model, controller, and view layers.
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What is MVC?
As a part of a recent job application process, I was asked a few general questions pertaining to software development. I thought I would share the questions and my answers here on my blog.
The Question
Please describe in as much detail as you think is appropriate what the MVC design pattern is, what the responsibilities of the Model, View, and Controller are, both in general and in Rails specifically, and what the benefits of this separation are. Also touch on how the Concern and Service patterns fit into this.
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