What is MVC?
As a part of a recent job application process, I was asked a few general questions pertaining to software development. I thought I would share the questions and my answers here on my blog.
The Question
Please describe in as much detail as you think is appropriate what the MVC design pattern is, what the responsibilities of the Model, View, and Controller are, both in general and in Rails specifically, and what the benefits of this separation are. Also touch on how the Concern and Service patterns fit into this.
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An interlude with minitest/autorun
An interlude in a series of posts laying out the process, step by step, of building an interpreter in Ruby for working with propositional logic. In this small post, we take our hand-rolled "tests" and move the code into an executable test script with
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Proper Propositional Logic
The second in a series of posts laying out the process, step by step, of building an interpreter in Ruby for working with propositional logic. In this second post, we expand the interpreter to handle the full range of valid expressions in classical propositional logic.
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Starting Simple
The first in a series of posts laying out the process, step by step, of building an interpreter in Ruby for working with propositional logic. In this first post, we build an interpreter for working with simple logical expressions and dig into the specifics of the parts of an interpreter as well as the basics of propositional logic.
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On Antinomies and Paradoxes
Should the central tenets of Christian theology be best understood as antinomies, or paradoxes, or both?
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Degrees of Separation
When talking about God, I’m not so certain that we have a great understanding of what we can and cannot say properly, or what we can and cannot understand properly.
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Time in Ruby and ActiveRecord
How does the Ruby
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class relate to the ActiveRecordtime
column type? -
Typecasting in Ruby and Rails
I recently had the need to typecast string values passed as query parameters to a controller action to their appropriate type. In solving this problem, I've learned a lot about Rails' typecasting layer, Ruby's typecasting methods, as well as a handful of edge cases. The result was a typecasting function that I think has a lot to offer.
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Encoding the Logic of Sets: More on Sets as Procedures
How can procedures be used to encode the logic of both infinite and finite sets?
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Initial Thoughts on Infinite Sets and Procedures
Is modern mathematics built on a logical fallacy? How ought we to understand infinite sets? What's a procedure? I'm starting to explore these topics as I think through the mathematics and logic of infinity.
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